ESHSS Conference 2021
The Economic and Social History Society of Scotland proudly present our 2021 summer conference: ‘Who Owned Scotland? Past, Present and Future’. The way we own and use Scottish land influences many parts of our lives: the price and availability of housing, our access to green space and the natural environment, and our ability to meet climate targets. ‘Who Owned Scotland?’ is a collaborative symposium that will explore how land and natural resources have figured in the transformation of Scottish society throughout history. Over the course of this free, one-day online event, a stellar line-up of experts from the public sector and academic scholars representing numerous disciplines will discuss and debate the connected themes of power politics, improvement, heritage, emotions, and energy use on and within Scottish land yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Registration is now open and we look forward to welcoming you for a day of stimulating content!
Registration is now open on Eventbrite. Contact us at with questions.
Follow live news about this conference at
our Twitter account: @EcSocHistSoc #WhoOwnedScotland2021